Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Championship Match: ENGLAND vs INDIA
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Old 04-24-2019, 02:59 PM   #153 (permalink)
The Announcer
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The quaffle was in England's Possession and for the first time in the match it seemed like the players were having an easy time getting it down the field. Though a bludger seemed to make sure it wasn't to easy, but the England team kept possession and were getting closer to the hoops.

Geffrard moved himself back up high above the rest to watch everything. He was still grumpy from the stop of the match, the stop really was starting to seem like it made everyone a little less excited and that wasn't what a World Cup should be, but still the chasers were looking great from both teams. He was amazed at the play they did even with injuries.

The bludgers were acting as normal as could be and for bludgers that meant trying to hit everything that was in their path. One even came close to hitting a poor stray bird that had flown to close to the pitch, thankfully the bird was able to move before it ended up a bludger pancake.

For Merlin's sake what was a bird now doing near the pitch Geffrard shook his head and decided he was earning his pay today as he made sure it got away before anything else could happen. Now, where was the seekers?

A bludger, a quaffle, a bird? No, it wasn't any of those, but something was fluttering around close to the ground in the middle of the pitch.
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