As Singh tried to distract both him and Lamberto, Leontius continued pressing forward. He wouldn't let himself be put off by the opposing chaser, especially not when his team wasn't in possession. He kept close to Misra, pulling in front when he tossed the ball as he saw Lamberto going in for the intercept.
Which he managed to succeed. Leon was very pleased to see England back in possession, and spun in mid air to head back to the hoops. Keeping a keen eye out for the bludgers, he quickly caught up in time to see the hit Lamberto took and the toss that Renee caught. Although he sympathised for his teammate, he knew that Lamberto would recover quickly - he'd taken worse hits in the past, Leon was sure. So he kept pace, pulling up slightly ahead of Renee and readying himself in case she decided to pass to him.
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