Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Championship Match: ENGLAND vs INDIA
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Old 04-20-2019, 11:35 PM   #117 (permalink)
Priya Malviya
India National Team Player
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Posts: 112

Priya gritted her teeth. Lots of bad things happened all at once, first the English seeker with her snitch catch and Raju losing the quaffle and that mad bludger. She let out a cry as Raju swiveled and she saw the extent of the damage. He could still play, but their captain had taken a hard hit.

They needed to focus now more than ever, each quaffle move was vital to their win. They'd gotten out of tougher spots, they could do this. She did hope Meera was keeping a keen eye for another snitch sighting. They needed it.
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