Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Championship Match: ENGLAND vs INDIA
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Old 04-20-2019, 12:27 PM   #103 (permalink)
Raju Misra
India National Team Player
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Things were happening and they were happening quickly. Higgs was dating after the Snitch, of this Raju became aware of. He trusted that Meera would be doing the same. The Captain became distracted as more shouting on part of the Indian team could be heard. It seemed as though they were being assaulted by a bludger. More in particular, it was going after their Keeper. Raju could only hope that Mayur's warning helped.

Raju at the moment was looking for his Chasers. They were for the most parts close to his side. Captain Cool took a well aimed throw of the Quaffle in their direction. It was his hope that one of them would catch the pass.
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