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Old 04-19-2019, 01:26 AM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Default Barns and Pastures

The Hogwarts barn is a well-aged and well maintained structure perched well back from the dark Forbidden Forest. Unsurprisingly, it’s bigger on the inside than on the outside, with tidy enclosures for each of the breeds of animals kept for the use of the school. Out the great back doors that swing open, fences lead to open pastures. The fences are charmed to prevent escape.

Students are welcome to visit the barns and accompanying pastures any time they are not in class, meals, or after curfew. Grab feed from the bins by the door, take one or more of the creatures out for some air, or give the horses a good rub down. Whatever you do, remember to treat the creatures with respect and care, especially the ones with sharp teeth and hooves bigger than your heads.
SPOILER!!: Creatures to Visit

- Lucy & Ricky
- Matilda
- Jack

- Romeo
- Julia
- Atreyu
- Loralei
- Phobus

- Violet (Female; rainbow wings with a purple dot)
- Oren (Male; green wings with pearl dots)
- Silvermist (Female; Silver wings with whit dots)
- Brock (Male; Blue wings with a gold dot)

- Pepper
- Dawn
- Lemongelo
- Albus | Owner: Stasya Dalgaard-Volkova (SilverTiger)
- Cocoa
- Bubbles

- Ducky
- George
- Ruby
- Pipsqueak
- Dior
- Jules
- Sapphire

- Daisy
- Marshmallow | Owner: Professor Kaysha Stewart (FearlessLeader19)
- Lily
- Ariel
- Schuyler
- Fritz
- Fionna

- Buddy & Charlene
- Ruffles & Springy
- Helios
- Hippie & Skippy
- Waterwings
- Monty & Molly
- Grey Feathers

Winged Horses:
- Corena & Oslo (Aethonans)
- January & June (Granians)
- Apollo (Aethonan)
- Cygnus & Eridanus (Granians)
- Ise (Abraxan)
- Francis & Estelle (Abraxans)
- Maxine (Abraxan)
- Gemma (Granian)
- Perseus (Aethonan)
- Zeus (Abraxan)
- Levi (Aethonan)
- Beck (Abraxan)

- Sinatra
- Louis
- Billie
- Etta

- Martin
- Ella

- Pickle
- Jasper
- Acorn
- Daffodil
- Raspberry

- Aphrodite
- Blossom
- Orion
- Sinna
- Honey
- Otis
- Maya
- Cosmos | Owner: Rylee Prichard (Kolyander)

- Albus (Albino)
- Alice
- Ivory (Albino)
- Mozart

- Pavo
- Aurora
- Silas
- Tallulah