Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Meet & Greet Tent
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Old 04-18-2019, 12:45 PM   #29 (permalink)

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SPOILER!!: Casey & Renee
Originally Posted by Daemon View Post
Captain Casey Snider. Falmoth Falcons Keeper and Captain. Cap'n Case, as the new kids on the team said.

It had a nice ring to it.

But today was not at all about himself, even if the news was pretty recent, and even if this day was all about Quidditch. It was all about other people's Quidditch. And Panda. Focus, Case, it's all about Panda, whom he followed closely through the festivities. It would not do to lose the young teenager among the crowds. Just the fact that she was a teenager was mind blowing. And unacceptable.

But all thoughts of that were gone as he spotted bitter rivals. Bitter rivals. The Tutshill Torandoes keeper, for one. Pete Snow. And, nicely spotted by Panda, that was indeed Renee Golzio. Casey Snider did not have a crush on her because Casey Snider was almost twenty five years old, and twenty five year olds knew better. Renee Golzio, Cannons chaser, was just.. real pretty. Objectively speaking.

And the Indian players too of course, were all immensely talented. He couldn't immediately see the Indian keeper, but figured she'd show soon. "You do know that I will humiliate all these people next season," Casey joked with his sister, talking about the English team. ... The fact that there was no Falcons representation in their national team just proved his point that all his former teammates had been absolutely useless.

"See Nyx Higgs over there? Holyhead harpies seeker. I'll take you to a League game when she's not playing against us... phenomenal seeker."
Originally Posted by Renee Golzio View Post
The young girl may not have been pointing exactly, but Renee could certainly feel her eyes burning holes into her. "Hello," she said with a wave and smile. "Thank you for coming! Are you looking forward to the match?"

And hmmmmm, older brother perhaps? Kind of cute. Until she heard him joke about humiliating them next season... Hey, wait, she recognized him. A Falcons player, right? His name escaped her, but she was almost positive she'd played against him at some point, or at least seen him play. Or something. Huh. "Hmm," she interrupted with a playful raise of her eyebrow, "so the Falcons are actually going to be good enough to earn a spot on the National team next year, then?" Her tone was teasing, not mean. Okay, some might even say it was flirty. It just came naturally, okay?! She wasn't even really trying! So sue her! "Renee Golzio," she extended a hand in his direction. "I don't believe we've formally met." May as well be civil with the cute boy. Right?

Panda-Bear’s eyes couldn’t have been any wider as they moved towards Renee. She’d seen her promo’s before and her hair was sooooo shiny!!! How did she do that?? Was it rude to ask? It wasn’t a bad thing… she was just jealous! Renee was sooooo supper pretty. She wanted to be as pretty as her!!!

Biting on her lip, Panda looked over her shoulder at the other player Case was pointing out. Nyx!! ”Ohh! I’ve seen her. She’s amazing! Some of the dive’s I’ve seen her do… I thought she was going to crash!!! …… The Harpie’s are the full female team right??” She looked UP at Case, not even bothering to turn around, ”That’s sooo cool. Can we go see them?” Oh yeah, Casey would totally do the BEST when he was playing against them all next season. ”I can’t wait to be there supporting you.” Because no-one supported him more than she did. #1Fan. Thank you.

But before she could get a response, they were standing in front of Renee Golzio.


Without thinking, the American said the first thing that came into her head. ”Hi! You’re beautiful and your hair is super shiny!! And I’m really excited to see the match. I haven’t seen a match in the UK yet - my brother was in France before so I’ve seen plenty there and in America.” She nudged Case without really thinking about it - more a claiming motion than a ‘look at him’ sort of motion. Casey Snider was HER brother and he was the BEST.

Nodding her head quickly, before her brother could even get a word in, Panda replied. ”They are! Casey is amazing… and Daisy, she’s one of their new Chaser’s - played with him while they were on the Quafflepunchers so they’re a great team together and the Falcons are goin’ to be incredible next year.” She was going to have a sore neck from nodding so much soon, but adrenaline was getting her through it. ”He’s Casey Snider. He’s amazing and a great dancer and single and he’s an awesome keeper and a GREAT big brother.” Nodnodnod.
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