Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Championship Match: ENGLAND vs INDIA
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Old 04-16-2019, 11:28 PM   #48 (permalink)
Raju Misra
India National Team Player
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It was a good thing Raju had given up chasing that Quaffle. For one thing, it bounced off Priya's broom thus saving them a goal. Secondly, it made it easy for him to take off after the ball now back in play. Practically flat on the broom because he was leaning so far against him broomstick Raju sped off. Raju was gaining on the Quaffle. A hand outstretched. A little closer. Closer.

Raju scooped the ball out of the air. Now he continued for the appropriate goalposts. He was looking for his fellow Chasers. He needed their help to make this goal happen.
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