04-13-2019, 03:00 AM
Chaser Tryouts  The late morning greets you with the fluttering of birds and the comfort of a warm sun overhead. It is rather serene in a way, making it an excellent day for flying and showing off ones skillset for a chance to get on the House Quidditch team. As the schedule dictates, the second tryout session, beginning at 11 o'clock, is for all of those who are interested in putting in their all for a chance to snag a position as a Chaser. If you are considerably swift and agile on a broom and are capable of handling a Quaffle well, then this is the tryout for you.
At the centre of the pitch await the figures of the Flying instructor as well as the four House captains and what appears to be several mechanical dummies. The adult present can be heard speaking to the captains, though his words are inaudible as you're not yet close enough to hear the conversation taking place. All that can be assumed is that some last-minute guidance and instruction is being offered to them, considering they each nod their heads and take a few notes on the clipboards they are holding. As for the dummies that are present, well, there isn't a whole lot to make of them as they are very still at the moment and their purpose has yet to be revealed.
Hearing approaching footsteps and voices, MacKenzie quickly glances down at his watch, taking note of the time, and then turns to face the pitch entrance. "Gather 'round, gather 'round. We'll be gettin' started here shortly," he says as you approach.