SPOILER!!: Goblins O'Plenty
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Korpsit was not a stranger to money, as such there was no urgency nor was there any eagerness as the goblin reached for the sack of coins. He weighed them a moment, having learned to distinguish by such a method whether it was worth his time or not. Finally, he nodded. “This is more in line with my desires, yes.”
He pocketed the coins, not bothering to glance at their eavesdropper this time. His voice neither rose like Felnott’s nor sank in secrecy. It remained at the same level, somewhat shrouded by the chatter floating around the room.
“With this sort of incentive, we’re looking at a wide range of possibilities. Did you have anything in mind and will you keep indulging the fool or will we take this elsewhere?” That last part he was sure to say loud enough.
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Gringotts Goblins
Felnott grinned in a way that most definitely spread to his goblin eyes. The greed was very evident on his face. He reached over and circled a few of the teams. "These are the ones that need to be sold." As in, those were the ones that the wandwavers needed to *donate* to.
This time, the bank goblin did turn his full attention to toward the wandwaver in question. He looked the human up and down -- fool seemed an accurate description.
"Depends if it has a worthwhile offer." They could always use someone to drive up key donations.
It appeared that the Goblins were finishing up their business. So if he wanted to do this, then now is the time. He chugged the rest of his gross beer, clunked it back onto the table and then turned around.
He knew the goblins were probably going to try and pull one over on him. He just needed to use them to get his big money making plan into action. With a roll of the shoulders, he walked over.
"I have a way you can get your mits on thrice that kinda money," he said sliding into a seat across from the goblins.