04-13-2019, 03:00 AM
Quidditch Pitch  If you follow a winding path from the Training Grounds, eventually you will arrive at the Quidditch pitch. The oval structure itself is a rather remarkable sight to see as it stands at five hundred feet long and a hundred and eighty feed wide. Because of the popularity of the sport, the pitch is used quite regularly. Here tryouts are held, in addition to scheduled team practices and a number of inter-House matches throughout the term. When the pitch isn't booked, it is available for general use from anyone who wants to casually fly around or play various broom games.
The maintenance on the pitch is of utmost importance. The three silver goalposts at each end of the pitch are regularly polished so they shine brightly in the sunlight, and the white markings outlining the exterior of the pitch as well as the middle are regularly painted. During the fall, spring, and summer months, a lawn mower has been charmed to cut the grass of the pitch mid-morning every three days just after the dew has dried. When it is winter, the mower is set aside and a magical snow blower is used to clear up as much of the pitch as possible. To keep the pitch in prime condition, all are asked to do their part as well by not littering or vandalizing it in any way; otherwise there will be consequences to face.
Anyone who wishes to use the Quidditch pitch is allowed do so, but it is excepted that all rules regarding it are adhered to at all times and the curfew listed is followed. These rules can be found posted on the noticeboard at the entrance of the pitch.