August 2, 2084 James Eiji Rasting is born 2085: turns 1 years of age
2086: turns 2 years of age
2087: turns 3 years of age. Rebecca Keiko is born.
2088: turns 4 years of age
2089: turns 5 years of age
2090: turns 6 years of age
2091: turns 7 years of age
2092: turns 8 years of age
2093: turns 9 years of age
2094: turns 10 years of age. Triplets are born.
2095-2096: turns 11 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 1st year. Spends the inferi invasion camped out in the common room which inspires the name of his familiar, finally. Attends 'prom' with Eloise. June - July spent finishing Japanese school term at
2096-2097: turns 12 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 2nd year. Mostly indifferent to the new regime. Grandfather becomes Minister for Magic. Céline-Missa-Trinetta-Eloise drama llamas. June - July spent finishing Japanese school term at
2097-2098: turns 13 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 3rd year. First kiss with Missa. Céline-Missa-Trinetta-Eloise drama llamas. Begins dating Missa.
Trinetta. June - July spent finishing Japanese school term at
2098-2099: turns 14 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 4th year. Rebecca begins Hogwarts. Nina Castillo. Salty over Missa not considering him her best friend when he considers her to be his - D R A M A. Love potion spiked cookies. Nearly dies in the boathouse (believes he is drowning) but is saved by Trinetta and Thereos. THE MIST. Superlatives: Most likely to invent or discover something, Most likely to hex someone out of jealousy, Most likely to use up all of the Calming Draughts. June - July spent finishing Japanese summer term at
Himitsumahou - climbs Mt. Fuji for the first time.
2099-2100: turns 15 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 5th year. at Beauxbatons.
Salt. Beauxbatons relationships. Falsely accused and placed on trial. Falling out with Trinetta. Sits OWLs (under performs from displacement stress).
Missa. Finishes summer term at
2100-2101: turns 16 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 6th year. moody and brooding ALL year. Nearly decapitated by Godric Gryffindor. Attempts at mending relationship with Trinetta had. Attempts failed. Unresolved feelings with Trinetta. NOT jealous that Missa is a prefect. NOT JEALOUS ABOUT ANYTHING. Finishes summer term at
Himitsumahou. Begins looking at university in Japan.
2101-2102: turns 17 years of age. Begins Hogwarts 7th year.