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It was nice to see Rylee smiling even though she may not be doing it whole heartedly. It was a small step in the healing process. “That’s okay. You know everyone would understand.’’ Kaysha had been and was still rather sad to hear of the tragedy that had befallen the Prichard family; her own parents were deceased. She let Rylee pass into the office before shutting the door.
“Nonsense. You’re free to talk with me as long as you like. Have a seat.’’ The woman took a seat in her chair then surveyed the Gryffindor kindly. Rylee had not been malingering at all; she was not that type of girl. “Are you able to at least get back into your studies? I know focusing must be difficult but I also know that you will be trying hard to make your parents proud.’’ There was no need for Kay to ask how Rylee was feeling. Why ask when she knew exactly? “What can I help you with today?’’
Talking with Professor Stewart had always been easy. Since her first term when she had been possessed and done some really strange things, she had felt close to the women knowing she had been through the same thing if only much worse. Rylee knew she was understood afterwards, especially after they had done that little bit of flying out on the pitch and had played catch. "I'm sure most do," she lioness agreed with a slight nod of her head.
"Thanks," she whispered once more this time sitting down in one of the comfy chairs.
"I'm certainly trying. Focusing on my studies and my other activities is helpful." It had always been that way for her anyhow. Lessons, homework and then all her extra curricular activities, the busier she had kept herself the better.
"Well... I don't want to fall behind." Which she wasn't even close to doing. If anything at all she was ahead in several subjects.
"Have we started anything new in our lessons, professor? Is there anything I should focus on or that I have to make up?" These were the most important things on her mind.