| Ravenpuff | Part Ninja | Boat Rocker | Exhausted Pigeon | Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz
He had things quite nicely sorted now, did Ramiel Skeres. Easy to get his ducks in a row when he was literally living in the store. Well, not in the store itself, but in the back room. The most important thing had been getting systems in place, a bit of regularity. And err... a few less plants. Just a few. He did like them well enough but it was a bit too much the herbology shop with the flowers everywhere and easier to keep tidy with less of them. He had kept a few here and there though.
The little bell over the door that tinkled to let him know he had company was enough to see Ram poke his head out from behind the curtain separating the back room from the shop proper. He stepped out, a steaming coffee mug in hand. "Oh, hello Lucy." Ram eyed the wand when she put it on the counter and took a big loooong sip of his coffee and examined it without yet touching it. "Something amiss? What's been happening, if you don't mind me asking?" She watched as Ramiel eyed her wand, hopeful he would be able to fix whatever was wrong without too much of a fuss. Lucy remembered many years ago when her sister had an issue with her wand and it was a major ordeal trying to put it right. "This morning as I was cleaning up a bit, it began to sputter and shake with a simple cleaning spell." She put her hand to her chin. "Come to think of it, it also happened last week while doing inventory. I was so busy at the time that I almost didn't notice. But, yes, it was most certainly not acting as it should." She sighed. The World Cup was coming and she had more work than ever to get completed before the guestrooms were filled beyond capacity. "Do you think you might be able to get her back up to snuff? She's a great wand." If anyone would be able to, she was sure it was Ramiel.
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