~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Term 51:
Many of you shone throughout this school year but there were a particular seven that outdid themselves. Whether it be by out of the box thinking, assisting their peers, being respectful, following the rules or by the number of points they earned, I give you the Muggle Studies Legends of Tomorrow! * Abraham Botros Jr. (Felixr)
* Fantine Dantes (MadMadamMalfoy)
* Trinetta Gladin (Lissy Longbottom)
* Ewan Jones (GD2204)
* Hanna Newton (Jessiqua)
* Caolan Wilson (Lottiepot)
Thank you all for making this term a great one and I hope to see you striving to improve yourself through out the course of the next! Have a great summer and for the students moving on or graduating, I wish you nothing but the best! |