team terrified you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway. It happened so suddenly Maxie could almost believe he dreamed it up. An attack- there were no other words for it -on the hufflepuff table had begun only to end barely a minute later.
The Pink wave of gnashing little teeth and furry fury had ascended almost as soon as it had descended and Maxie had never been less happy to be proven right innocent. Pale as a sheet was an understatement, Maxie was positively green with fear. He'd jumped back before, and landed hard on his bottom and despite the Headmaster, the professors and the Ministry officials he was still sat motionless on the ground. "W-w-wha.... " his lungs were shaking- actually, wait- he was shaking, all over and inside out. He'd been about to sit at that table... He'd been... He could have been....
A silent scream was bubbling up from his gut, never to be heard but very much felt.
The Hufflepuff stared blankly at the spot where the table had been, ignoring everyone around him - even Lukast and Aaron - in favor of being a complete and utter emotional and mental mess. "WHAT." the word echoed through the hall. loud enough to reach space.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence