yoohoooo *sending Eliora with Kassandra and Theophilus with Kalen* ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Ah, the Headmaster. Welll.... if this wasn't an emergency, she'd have been leaning against a wall and watching him walk away for sure. Was she at least able rate him? One point for short public speaking. Another point for facial structure. Minus point for working with kids. Plus point for not letting any of said kids die yet. Another point for facial structure. What was she on..? Four? Three? Hm. That was for review later. As was her final verdict on James Draper.
.... and maybe a write up on her questions about Draper's drapes and curtains. Maybe. Would that make him squirm if she asked him about it? She knew that she would make Airey Flamsteed squirm if she made any sort of steed joke around him. Soooooo....
ANYHOOOO. Back to the task at hand! She spared a glance for Ursula, Megan and Bambi and just nodded. Did they really need her approval or permission to do these things? This was why they were here, was it not? Goodness.. was she like their mother or something now? Get. On. With. It. Man, she really needed coffee now. "How are the affected students, Headmaster?" You know.. were they resembling handcuff fluff? Because LOL.
Eliora decided that it was best for she and James to split up around the castle, too. Separate the brains of this operation sorry Hotmaster and go in different directions. They could grab a coffee later or tomorrow and the day after that. GASP. Maybe he could be her new work husband! Rusty just wasn't cutting it when his real wife worked at the Ministry too. "I'll go with Kassandra." She gave a quick warning look at the rest of her employees though. If any of them asked for permission now... she was going to have words with them later. Unkind ones. - - - - AHHHHHHH. What bliss! What wonder. What magic!
To be back in his stomping grounds... Hogwarts. The first and only love of his life. Well... if you discounted food, salsa dancing, his grandma, bingo, animals and women's sports teams.
Theophilus was rrrrready and rrrrrrrrrrreARING to go. He may have even had an extra special spring in his step to control these pests as it really and truly WAS his job role. Pest control? Duh. "DUNGEON BUDDIES!" His voice was loud as he headed over to those that had said they were heading that way. "Don't rely on your cages. Just because they're cute doesn't mean they won't eat another one of you up!" And he could not promise to successfully help them out of that situation.
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