Thread: The Greenhouses
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Old 02-28-2019, 07:49 AM   #12 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Default separate timelines....
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Stella
Originally Posted by Granger Danger View Post
Stella looked up at him and smiled. "Sure that'll be great, every little bit of help matters in the life of a plant!" she said in a matter of fact voice. She smiled happily, she was allowed to spend more time here besides just for classes, what better way to decompress after a long day of classes and homework? She couldn't think of anything better, she loved plants and animals. Ooh... she'll have to remind herself to stop by the barns and see the animals she was sure Professor Wayland could use some help as well.

Looking around she seen that he was right, aw... poor things, but she and Professor Wishart were here to make it all better. Deciding to do all three, she grabbed some gardening scissors and started cutting the dead loves off the a boincing bulb plant. "I don't mind getting dirty Professor, besides I'm in my work and play clothes I wear these around the ranch at home all the time. " she said said putting down her scissors and feeling inside the plant it was a bit dry and could use some more dragon dung. Getting some dragon dung she added it before shd gotten out her wand and watered it. "There we go little fellas, all cleaned watered and feed." she said smiling down at the plant.

Stella frowned sadly. "Well that's just dumb and foolish of them, it's hurting them as well how can they not see that?" she asked sighing. She just wish people knew how much they were hurting plants and creatures as well as themselves, air pollution and pollution was a big problem and killing tons of plants and creatures it made her mad and sad. She tried doing everything she could, recycle as well as cut apart plastic that could hurt animals on land and the ocean. She remembered that her and her brother Phoenix along with their dad helped a owl who was stuck in a fishing line.

Stella looked up at him and smiled. "I wanna make a difference in the world, one sinple act of kindness will make a difference in the world around us." she said cutting the dead leaves off Flutterby bush. The smell of the ocean coming to her, she shook her head. "The scent is to attract the unwary right Professor?" she asked him. She was smelling a strong scent of the ocean and it smelled good.

Looking over at the mandrakes she giggled. "Do they fight with each other Professor?" she asked looking at them. She knew quite a bit about these, but shouldn't they be wearing earmuffs? "I thought their cries will knock you out Professor?" she asked him curiously.

Professor Wishart beamed broadly as Stella without any fuss got to work alongside him, taking care of the plant’s he had pointed out. She was a rare student. Most student’s unless they had an interest in the greens of nature avoided the greenhouses unless of course they wanted to ’borrow’ a plant for a prank on a fellow student. As he clipped off a dead bransch he shot a look over at Stella’s work and complimenting. "Good work Stella! I can see that the plants are happy."

Shaking his head Professor Wishart responded matter of factly. "That’s true, it’s foolish, dumb and hurtful, but not everyone care for the wellbeing of plants or how it affect’s the climate. It is just how it is and it something you just have to accept. You don’t have to like it Stella but it’s the reality."

Smiling he said "I’m glad to hear it Stella. The world needs more kindness." And wasn’t that the truth? There we’re too much evil in the world. Watering a bouncing bulb he turned his gaze to the flutterby bush Stella was working on. "Yes, the oceanic scent is to lure you to make you or it’s other prey lose it’s alertness before the bush attacks unawares. So be careful and alert!"

Raising a hand to scratch his chin Joshua sighed as he eyed the mandrakes again. "Yes, they fight with each other, especially the youngest ones." Twacking a mandrake mildy that was making signs of wanting to attack it’s neighbour again he shook his head. "No, i wear muggle ear plugs so i’m safe but you can assist me and put on earmuff’s on all of them so you don’t get knocked out."

SPOILER!!: Zoryn
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Had she already pulled off the TWO greatest pranks of all time? Yes, yes she had. But was she back for more? OF COURSE. Because she still owed one Maxton Carden a taste of his own medicine and also, if she had made it this far in life without getting expelled then surely she was invincible.

The only issue was that she had NO idea what she was looking for in here. Which is why the Gryffindor walked past the various rows rather aimlessly, curiously peering at each plant as she walked by. No, no, no. Ew. No. None of these looked good enough. She needed one of those flesh eating kind. The kind that would just shoot out and grab your--

HER FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," ah yes, screaming bloody murder yet again.

It was a sunday without classes and Professor Wishart prided himself with being caught up with both his professorly and groundskeeping duties as he sat in his office and finished a cup of green tea. It had taken some time to find the balance, but now at the end of feburary he could say proudly that he had risen to Headmaster Trent’s expectations or at least he assumed so.

With the last of the tea drunken up, Joshua got dressed in a pair of workrobes, sticking his wand in one pocket and a pair of dragonhide gloves and ear muff’s in the other. Heading over to greenhouse four he was looking forward to a productive day surrounded by the greenhouses wonderful planty inhabitants.

The loud ear piercing screaming that reached his ears upon opening the door, made him curse under his breath, as he pulled out his wand and sprang inside. Which of the plant’s were being naughty this time? Spotting Zoryn in a bind he hurried over casting "Diffindo!" at the plant vine surrounding the girl’s foot. Gaze turning to the girl he asked "Zoryn, are you all right? What we’re you doing in here?"
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