astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf This was dragon balls.
First was the fact that Mrs. Westfield even thought that this was a good idea to submit him - what that plump witch thought would transpire by meddling in his life outside the Centre was beyond logic, which he regarded her now with the same respect as he did any meddling Hufflepuff - not well. Even his sister had known better than to suggest such a preposterous sort of thing and she was the one who desired emotional connections.
One Elliot Cox...not so much. Though in light of all that he had been through he was trying not to resist as much as before. But this? This wasn't dipping his pinky toe into a pool to test the temperature. This was requiring him to jump off the spring board of the high dive, perform two back flips mid flight down, and not belly flop. A note, Elliot Cox hated water.
Being turned into a cod for two years of one's life would put one off it, after all.
The only reason he was standing outside St. Mungo's now was because Miss Westfield had come along with seeing as she had some business to attend to inside. Likely needed to speak with Deshawn about his and Paige's joint physical therapy session coming up. But him? He had absolutely no intention of sticking around. Sorry whoever this matchmaking service he had never wanted in the first place had matched him up with, but not sorry.
He was leaving.
__________________ When you’re stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes |