Thread: Charms Lesson 2
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Old 02-27-2019, 01:48 AM
Dolly Dopple Dolly Dopple is offline
Default Charms Lesson 2

Winter is coming to an end and the early signs of Spring have just started to show. You may notice the little green buds starting to form on the trees, the wet dew on the grass instead of frost, and of course your Charms professor turning into a ghost.

Well, that had nothing to do with Spring, but it was a new development. If you somehow managed to miss the great commotion that occured in the courtyard just recently, you may not know, but your Charms professor had become an untimely snack to the pink critters roaming about the castle. But not to worry! She’s still here in spirit!


Not letting her lesson plans go to waste, Dolly had scheduled her lesson as normal and had shown up to the classroom at the designated time. There was no excuse to miss class! She had a little difficulty setting up for class, however, since she was now unable to... touch anything.

Oh well. She would manage.

The Charms Classroom door is wide open and Dolly Dopple, the Charms ghost is hovering in front of the room, hands clasped, her normal smile on her transparent face. As usual, her cat, Laura, is perched on the edge of the desk, completely still. Not even blinking. Still, quite possibly dead. Or was it now a ghost too?

OOC: Welcome to Charms! Keep in mind that it is now late February. This class occurs a few days after the meeting in the courtyard, so Dolly is now a ghost. Class has not started yet! Go ahead and post your student arriving to class. The class will move on in about 24 hours, approximately 8 PM GMT-7.

1. Welcome / First Question
2. Replies / Second Question
3. Replies / Mini Activity