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Old 02-26-2019, 11:52 PM   #16 (permalink)
Joyce Darlington
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Join Date: May 2012
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Joyce Darlington

SPOILER!!: replies!
SPOILER!!: Mr Rousseau
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Indigo jotted down a few notes as she spoke. Though so far everything seemed fairly straightforward. Everything was made from something else or went though some sort of process. He eyed the items on his desk with a new perspective. The bread roll was made of different ingredients, like wheat, and had been baked to become what it was now. The old daily prophet had gone through a printing process, plus the paper had come from...wherever paper comes from. Okay, so Indigo had never claimed to be an expert on where things came from.

It was interesting to ponder, though. As was the question of when reversion would come in handy. He raised his hand. "Could reversion be used on a person? Say, if they had died their hair but wanted to go back to their natural color, would it work in that situation? Or if someone got a tattoo but regretted it, could they revert their skin back to how it had been before?"

Dyed hair? Was Indigo getting ideas from the predicament Patrick seemed to be in? Joyce’s lips twitched at his answer but she shook her head. “I like your thinking, Mr Rousseau and there is magic out there that would assist with such things but what we’ll be practicing today is for inanimate objects only.”

Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she trusted this lot with body transfiguration just yet.

SPOILER!!: Mr Katharos
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Glad that at least someone that he knew had taken a seat next to him, Dorian opened his mouth to speak to Hanna when the Professor spoke in his place. Closing his mouth and feeling his ears turning bright red, Dorian looked down at his desk and awkwardly began tapping his finger on top of it. "Uh yeah...what she said" he said. "I think i accidently left my quill in the Great Hall" he stopped tapping his finger and looked at the girl now. "If you have a spare i can borrow that be great"

Of course the Professor wasnt going to wait til he had a quill or not and the fifth year looked at the front as she began class. He crossed his ankles under the table and listened. Reversion spells. He had read some of that magic during his studying. "Don't animagi need to know a reversal spell? In order to change back to human?" he asked.

Under normal circumstances, Joyce would have reprimanded the Ravenclaw for arriving to class without the proper supplies but judging my the colour of his ears he’d already realised the error of his ways.

“Make sure you arrive with writing materials next class please, Mr Katharos,”
she said in warning before nodding at his answer. “And you’re quite right, those who practice animagi do require a reversal spell lest they wish to stay in their animal form. Not quite the spell we’ll be practicing today, but good. Yes.”

SPOILER!!: Miss Newton
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
"Oh, a quill? I'm sure I have a spare," Hanna said, and bent down to her bag. Opening it up, and reaching into one of the compartments, she pulled one of her spare quills out and passed it to Dorian. "I've only got the one pot of ink, but you can help yourself to it." She had more in her dorm room.

Her attention to Professor Darlington now that class had now active, with the word Reversion. Well, perhaps a muggle had crafted the table from something. Or a witch from a small piece of wood. Maybe not even wood. What limitations were there regarding the size and material of things being transfigured? It was something Hanna wanted to test. She thought about situations in which reversals were needed. Raising her hand, she said "It's important when a spell is cast wrong. Or with an incomplete result. It's handy to reverse the spell and place the item back to its initial form before trying to cast it again." If she botched a simple Vera verto spell, giving her a half-rat, half-goblet, she would prefer to reverse it back to it's original state rather than try again on something that was a mutated form of what it was.

She was glad to note that Hanna did indeed have a spare quill handy and watched the exchange between the two Ravenclaws before pondering the answer given. “That’s certainly one use of reversion, yes. To provide the opportunity for a re-do of sorts.”

SPOILER!!: Miss Dantes
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Tina nodded, smiling slightly at the professor's greeting. "Yes, I'm quite well, thank you, Professor," she replied. It wasn't exactly a lie. She was doing as well as possible, given the strange circumstances.

Tina's attention shifted from the assortment of objects on her desk to the professor as the lesson began. She listened intently, jotting down a few notes. So reversion… did that mean the goblet, roll, and newspaper had started out as a different object and been transfigured into their their current state? Was it going to be their task to change them back? And if so, that didn't quite explain the roll. Tina could understand the goblet and paper being transfigured, but wouldn't Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration prevent transfiguring an object into a roll? Perhaps she was looking at it all wrong… Maybe instead of untransfiguring, there was a reversion spell to deconstruct the items into their most basic components?

Tina considered the professor's question carefully. The first scenario that popped into her mind was using reversion to fix an incomplete or incorrectly cast spell, but that had already been said. Ever the overachiever, Tina didn't want to piggyback off of anyone else's answer. She had to come up with one of her own, but what? All her other ideas seemed too far-fetched to voice. Her mind hopped from one thing to another, frantically searching for a good answer. Reversion… incomplete transfiguration… human transfiguration.

Tina suddenly remembered a story her guardian told her about the 1926 capture of Gellert Grindelwald… how he'd used transfiguration to disguise himself as Percival Graves. That was it! How could she have forgotten? Every kid at Chateau Croyance knew that story! Her hand went up. “Couldn't reversion be used to reveal the true identity of someone using transfiguration as a disguise?” she said.

Joyce turned her attention to Tina and she could practically see the entire thought process. This is exactly what she liked to see and one of the very reasons she'd been eager to accept the position of professor. Young brains working hard.

"Not quite, Miss Dantes. It's not spell reversal, but the actual reversion of the process taken to create an inanimate object. But I like your thinking, well done." And she genuinely meant it as well.

Good good. Some good answers.

Nodding her approval, Joyce addressed the class as a whole and hoped they were still paying attention. She wasn’t opposed to a quick tickling charm should she find someone with their eyes drooping. And that was the nicer option.

“As I said previously, almost all objects we encounter have gone through some kind of process to get it to where it is today. The items each of you have on your desk, for example, weren’t always as you see them right now. Successfully perform a reversion spell and we’re able to revert said object back into its natural form.” She took a moment to make sure they were all following and that there weren’t too many puzzled expressions.

“The spell we’re going to be learning today is, Prima Forma.” With a flick of her wand, three different incantations and materials appeared on the board along with the wand movement of the day.

Prima Forma Sabulo → Sand
Prima Forma Siligo → Wheat
Prima Forma Sylva → Wood

Wand Movement: An anti-clockwise circular motion and then point at the object.

“As you can see, one must amend the incantation depending on which object you’re attempting to revert. Use the wrong incantation with the wrong object and you simply won’t see any results.” She didn’t need to specify what incantation needed to be used with which item, did she? She hoped even the first years had the intelligence for that. “It’s important that you focus fully on the end result. If you don’t, the reversion may only happen partly.” Was she going to see piles of sticky pulp instead of wood? From some of them…. probably.

“The wand movement is an anti-clockwise circular motion before simply pointing at the desired object.” She performed a quick demonstration and the glass goblet that had been at her own desk dissolved into a small pile of fine white sand. See? Simple.

“Now! Everyone get to their feet, please!”
She didn’t believe in sitting while practicing, it was lazy and impractical. “You’ve got ten minutes to practice on one of the items. You can choose which, but we will be practicing on them all before we get to the main activity.”

OOC: Wow, I didn’t mean for that post to be so long but there it is. Choose ONE item to practice on for now, doesn’t matter which. Joyce’ll be moving you on to the second and third items in 24 and 48 hours respectively. Thanks for playing, guys!
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