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Old 02-26-2019, 02:48 AM   #123 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Door 5 – CORRECT answers

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Despite the fact that Zoryn agreed with the first answer the most, she knew that it wouldn't get her through the door. This lesson was so tedious. It was LITERAL TORTURE. They got the point loud and clear, did it really take FIVE entire doors to be certain of that? And people called her extra. Professor N was like the biggest dramaqueen of all time.

As for her actual answer, Zoryn picked the longest one because that was typically the correct answer. And it sounded the most like Professor Noble. And the potions textbook, for that matter. This whole lesson was dUMB.

Was it over now? Because Zoryn was ready to leave.

Potions are very potent and can cause a wide range of harm to not only those who ingest them. It's important to be responsible with their use.
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Indigo was still keeping an eye on the small girl as the door opened for him and he stepped into the last room. This one looked less like the other rooms, and more like the classroom. In fact, it looked like the back of the classroom, which must mean that the front of it was likely on the other side of the door. He had to admit that he was a bit relieved to be almost there, even if the questions so far had not been difficult. He quickly read the last one and almost immediately tapped his wand on the answer: Potions are very potent and can cause a wide range of harm to not only those who ingest them. It's important to be responsible with their use. That was obviously the right one.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
It was a relief, again, that this door opened. Boils were nasty, and Hanna really hadn't wanted more of them. She walked through the door and...


Still no Noble. With a small frown, Hanna went closer to the parchment. At least this area looked more classroomy. Perhaps just behind this door was where he was. If not... how many soggy doors would there be!? Would they lead the way to the Great Hall where they would be in time for dinner?

Well, no point debating it in her head. Hanna read the question and giggled at the first answer. Yes, they were annoying doors. It was fun, though, but perhaps she just thought it might be more fun if she knew just how many questions there were. How many doors. Would this one lead to a Professor or another door?

Clearly the first answer wasn't the real one. If it hadn't been for the boils, she'd have been tempted to go for that one. She also just hoped the doors would open for her, but also believed that wasn't the answer. She tapped the second one with her wand; Potions are very potent and can cause a wide range of harm to not only those who ingest them. It's important to be responsible with their use.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Derf was beginning to think that he was running out of time. Maybe he had spent too much time writing and overthinking his answer at the previous door? Scrambling forward, the Hufflepuff quickly read over the next question and it's options and, honestly, was appreciating some of the sense of humor shown in the answers. Like...some of it was a little unexpected coming from Professor Noble even when he tried to imagine it spoken in the man's dry sarcastic tone.

But anyway...

The first one sounded like something Zoryn would say of her own accord, and the third and fourth were easily dismissable. The second, well, it had been what the Head Boy had been preaching ever since the Levi Kenning incident in the Book Maze.

Thus, his wand was out and tapping that one...and now he waited.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Nettie sighed in relief when she looked down and noticed that the boils had disappeared after she'd gone through that one door - thank goodness. One less thing to worry about. Now she had to worry about getting boils AGAIN - but it appeared her answer was satisfactory, because the door opened for her as soon as she had turned in her answer. She grinned and found herself face to face with yet another multiple choice question.

Thankfully, this one seemed like an easy one - a freebie, if you will. She tapped the second answer, which was obviously the right one. Potions could be dangerous - you had to be careful. That was obviously the point of the lesson.

And so, she waited.

Hoorah! Zoryn, Indigo, Hanna, Derf and Nettie had all answered the last question correctly, and the door opened into the usual potions classroom…albeit slightly shorter than usual, and you’re entering from the back rather than the side.

At the end of last lesson, Professor Noble had said to bring pewter cauldrons for a practical on the Burning Bitterroot Balm potion today, and the syllabus confirmed as much. Now you’ve finally entered the classroom, however, there is little to suggest any brewing will be happening today and you’ve carried your cauldron through all those door for no reason. The side workbenches are unusually clear - no extra ingredients or specialist equipment to be seen. Noble’s desk is also empty of equipment, not a cauldron, burner or recipe in sight. The Potions Professor is sat behind said desk, wand out and eyes on five pieces of charmed parchment in front of him. He glances up as you enter, giving you a nod in greeting.

“Find your seat,” he says, before checking the clock. There wasn't long left to go. Raising his wand and flicking his wrist, the maze of walls and doors that they’d all been going through disappeared, and everyone could join in the main classroom. “We’ve been discussing the questions you’ve just faced in the final few minutes.”

SPOILER!!: Chloe
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Oh, okay... where were the actual potion supplies? Chloe touched her satchel, feeling the hard ridge of her cauldron through the cloth. Not using that today, hmm? Tricky tricky, professor.

Chloe took a seat as directed and raised her hand. "Professor, I do have a question about the legal ethics of Polyjuice. It seems to me that Aurors have different rules regarding using illegal spells, like Unforgiveables, although personal ethics probably play into actually using those spells. Do they also have permission to use Polyjuice with impunity?"

Noble nodded as Chloe spoke first. “That’s a great question, and we could very easily spend a whole lesson debating whether we feel it is ethically right or wrong. But briefly, yes, similar impunity exists for potions as for those sort of spells. There are Ministry guidelines and regulations in place, and any mission has to weigh up the relative benefits and risks. If you're interested in it, come see me after class. I can point you towards some reading material.” That applied to anyone, not just Chloe.

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Well, what do you know? The conventional approach tirned out to be the correct one after all. Tina stepped through the fifth door to the welcome.sight of their familiar classroom, and there was Noble at his desk. Was it safe to assume that she was out of the door maze for good now?

Tina returmed the professor's nod, but she didn't say anything. She was still angry about the use of boils on her classmates, and besides, the professor looked a tad preoccupied with his wand and pieces of parchment. She assumed he must be marking people's answers, and if so,
it probably wasn't a good idea to distract him. The last thing she wanted was for somebody else to get boils (or worse) because he'd mistakenly marked their answer incorrect while talking to her!

She took a seat near the back and noticed the lack of potion ingredients. She wasn't entirely surprised. Getting through the doors took a lot longer than she'd expected, and somewhere along the line, she began to doubt they'd have time to fit brewing a potion in. At first she'd thought they'd be making the burning bitterroot balm as an antidote for the people who'd received boils from the thrid door, but that idea went by the wayside when she saw the boils vanish. Believe it or not, the misdirect about the burning bitterroot balm was the least offensive of Noble's tricks!

Tina blinked confusedly as the professor asked for questions or thoughts. She had plenty of both, but none she dared voice. Was this another trick? Was Noble inviting them to speak so he could punish those who said something he didn't want to hear? Well if it was a trick, Tina wasn't falling for it! Nothing she had to say was worth the risk of points loss or detention, she reminded herself. She sat silently, trying to ignore the questions buzzing in her mind, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her. She raised her hand and asked, "Professor, why did you give us boils for getting the third question wrong?" After she'd spoken, she began to worry that her question might come across as accusatory, so she elaborated. "I mean... why boils specifically? if the purpose was to provide an incentive for getting the right answer, wouldn't something less painful have worked just as well? Or, was there another reason behind it?"

Despite Tina's feelings on the matter, there wasn't a hint of disrespect in her tone; it was an honest question. She wasn't sure when or if she'd forgive Noble for the boils, but she would give him the chance to explain and take what he said into consideration. She already had a hunch what that reason might be. It sounded odd, but what if the boils were meant to be an example of what not to do as far as ethics went?

He couldn’t say he was surprised when Tina spoke up, given her response to the boils appearing on Chloe’s hand. “Another good question. And whilst a fortunate side effect might have been to make you want to get the right answer and to keep you all moving, that wasn’t my primary intent.” He stood and moved to the front of his desk, leaning against the front of it. “I think I’m right when I say that those who faced the boils or getting wet felt, at the very least, put out, if not upset, angry, or even perhaps like I couldn’t be trusted and had malicious intent.” He looked around the classroom, gaze landing briefly on those who had been unfortunate to get an answer wrong to see if they agreed. “All completely valid things, because in using those spells I didn’t ask for consent, not alone informed consent. Hopefully you’ll all keep those feelings in mind in future when considering the use of potions and spells on others.”

SPOILER!!: Zoryn and Patrick
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
The only question Zoryn had was 'WHY WASN'T CLASS OVER YET'. So obviously she kept it to herself. Lest she have to go through another month of house arrest. Which, no thanks, but... No thanks.

So she just waited for the dismissal.

This whole thing was obviously just a set up to reprimand her and the other Gryffindors about their big prank. But, they had already gone through way too much reprimanding and he was starting to sound like a broken record sO. Could they leave now? For real?
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Patrick looked at Nobel. Really they went through all of those doors to have a discussion about the questions he had to answer. No way. That was brutal. He had gotten boils for not answering correctly on one and now he was going to have to have a fire side chat about it?

Not today.

Sitting down at the desk he normally sat at he waited for the class to actually begin now that he had survived all of the questions that had been given to him. He had no questions as many of the other students asked questions.

That answered, he looked to the quiet ones – including Patrick and Zoryn. If Patrick was expecting a lesson now, he’d be sorely disappointed, although he could forfeit his lunchtime to brew if he so chose. “If there’s no other questions, you’re dismissed. We’ll be back to regularly scheduled brewing on Friday. If you haven’t read up on the burning bitterroot balm already, I strongly suggest you do so before then.”

ooc note: thanks for joining everyone! I'll leave the thread open for another 24 hours or so if you want to post finishing up :3
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