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Jackson had two butterbeers at the table waiting and was glad to see that his date had arrived sooner rather than later. He didn’t want stale butterbeer… If that was a thing. Was it? He smiled as she approached him and stood to give her a hug. “Hey,” he gave her a big smile. “You look good. How are you?” What did you ask girls on dates? Would they just talk without prompting? He had hung out with Lili before, but never this… formally? Were his palms sweating yet? Probably. He discreetly wiped them on his jeans just in case as he took his seat again. Eyes still on his date, he lifted his drink to cheers her. Extra? Maybe. But oh well.
Lili had to admit that she got nervous when she was around Jackson. She hadn't felt like this about anyone before and she really did not want to mess it up.
"thanks..." She murmured with a smile. She had tried to look pretty, but hadn't overly tried. She wasn't that kind of girl, and she didn't care too much about how others viewed her, not any more.
"You do too..." It wasn't a lie, and it made her happy. She was on a date with him and she felt like a lucky girl. Yep. Lili was very pleased with how things were going.
"I'm good thanks. how are you?" She murmured with a smile as she took a seat down.
"It's so nice to be out of the castle for a few hours"