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Jackson had to admit... he was a little nervous. Not because of a lack of confidence in himself or anything, but he wasn't very experienced in the dating world. Don't tell his date though. Jackson was taking a guess, but he was hoping Lili wouldn't mind starting here and not at Madame Puddifoot's or something. Sorry, that was too much for him. Instead he took a seat at a table along the wall, hoping to steer clear of anyone hitting their chairs and everything.
Nervous. Liliane was feeling nervous. She'd been on dates before, but this was different. She actually wanted something to go well with this, and for something to come out of it. So she was nervous. She smiled to herself as she walked towards the three broomsticks. It was going to be fun. Jackson was cool, and she liked hanging out with him. Hopefully their date would go well too. She pushed the door open, and walked into the bar. She looked around, trying to find him.
Ahh. There he was.
"Hi Jackson!" She murmured with a beam as she headed over to where he was sitting.