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Old 02-18-2019, 07:11 AM   #74 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by DaniDeniedLove View Post
IT WOULD NEVER STOP PICKING ITS NOSE!! And now it's friends were here to back it up. Thanks to an ally, her swing had gone wide when she got hit in the leg and it gave him the time to get that little booger out nicely. He flicked at it a few times before turning to join the attack.

Her swings were firm and did set a few off their feet. Two disappeared with a poof, never to be seen again. The others staggered back to their feet, momentarily vulnerable while they found their footing.
The hits on the legs hurt, but not enough that she wasn't able to keep hitting back at the trolls. She winced as each of their little bats came into contact with her skin, but kept on swinging her bat towards them. Take that, and thaaaaaaat, and that! All while trying to avoid that booger one of the trolls flicked somewhere. She didn't want that on her.

Hanna listened in to the answering of the questions on trolls and bats, but felt she had little to contribute. Still, she took in what had been said and paid attention to Professor Trent's summary. The loud stomps distracted her into another wave of anxiety, at the thought of the size of the troll making that sound. And trying to remember the incantation to the Bludgeoning hex was, at this current time, rather difficult to focus on. Deep breaths, Newton.

As the troll came into the arena, she listened to what her classmates were saying. As soon as Vita got started it all came back to her. Of course, Labefactum. It was time to get even with the trolls. Even if it meant no homework, which wasn't a promise that particularly excited Hanna.

Watching others first, as they had a go at hitting the troll with their bludgeoning hexes, and it was time. She raised her wand, trying to focus on the spell and keep her voice steady. "Labefactum," she cast, moving her wand in a clockwise circular motion, aiming it around the troll's head, and adding a flick in.

always on the move
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