Anyone can jump in. Haunts the Girls' Loo | Senstitive & Loud *WAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIILLLLL!!*
The sound was more than enough to attract anyone on the floor. *SOB SOB SOB* Myrtle was upset. There was no one to talk to. No one to hear her complain. The thoughts sent her up into another round of wailing.
As if that was not enough Myrtle she went right through the nearest cubicle door. Splash!!!!
Into the toilet she went. Water slopped on all sides. Myrtle did not travel down out to the Lake. Out there would most likely still be frozen. Myrtle rose up from the toilet. *SOB*
__________________ You're always welcome to share my toilet. 
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking! |