doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Quote:
Originally Posted by Sangeetha Kaira walked into the Zonko's joke shop. She had come here about three years back. It had been so long. With her Laila caught up in work and studies, she did not have much time, apparently.
She was looking wondrously at all the joke goodies and that is when she bumped into - ZORYN SPINNET!
To be honest, she wasn't sure she liked her. Sure, she hadn't had ny kind of interaction with this seventh year, but ZOryn Spinnet and her drama had been hard to ignore, even for a firstie Ravenclaw. '' she said, not ooking very sorry. Perhaps if she had been paying slightly more attention to her own surroundings, the collision could've been avoided. She, however, had been paying far too much attention to the items stacked along the shelf and far too little attention on who was approaching from the other side. But of course none of this was her fault because nothing was ever her fault. It was, like, the golden rule. Thou shalt not blame Zoryn Spinnet. "You should really watch where you're going," it was sage advice. You're welcome.
Also, "are you lost or something?" She did know she was in a joke shop, right? This wasn't the place for awe-struck, ravenclaw nerd-babies.
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