Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Oh no, it was another door behind the door. Was it leading her in circles back to the same place? Doors, doors, endless doors. Was she hallucinating? The whole situation of doors behind other doors felt like a really bad low. Cordelia was getting more and more agitated at the sight of more doors with more questions. Okay, this was just the second door, but it still felt like too many doors already. Cordelia tapped “After obtaining informed consent from the person I want to change into” with her wand, because she was pretty sure that was one of the issues that had come up earlier in the year. Pushing on the door handle, she hoped it would let her into the classroom and not lead her to another door. When would she get out of this nightmarish state? If it was another door behind this door, she was going to scream. Could she opt out of the whole door after door thing? Were they even having a lesson today, or would she just be stuck in an endless loop of dors that may or may not be hallucinations?
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