Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia It was definitely weird that the door to the classroom didn't exist when they were scheduled to have class, but Regina figured it was either some weird Hogwarts thing - weirder things than disappearing doors happened here after all - or it was something the professor himself had done it and it was going to be relevant to the lesson somehow.
Either way, Regina stayed at the edges of the crowd of students that had gathered, just silently observing and staying away from the cat.
And now something had happened. A piece of parchment had appeared, and once most of the other students had gone up one by one to read it, Regina did the same.
Ethics in potion brewing? Interesting. How this related to the door not being there, she couldn't guess yet, but she was definitely intrigued.
"All of the above" seemed like the safest answer to her, but even though she felt like it might be correct, she was also curious to know what would happen if she picked something else. If she was wrong, what would happen? Would she still be able to get into the class? A couple years ago, that thought would have scared her enough to stick with the safer option, but now? Not so much.
Regina tapped her wand against the "How brewing research is conducted" answer. Though ethics certainly had relevance to all the options, if she had to pick the most important one, that one seemed best to her. Discovering newer and better potions was so important, but it was also important to handle research in the right ways. Otherwise things could go really, really bad.
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |