Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll Tina was beginning to panic. If she couldn't get inside, she couldn't attrnd potions class. If she couldn't attend potions, she couldn't participate in whatever today's activity was. If she couldn't participate, she wouldn't earn any points, and if she didn't earn points, there was nothing special to set her apart from the rest of the studentbody!
While she was busy trying to figure out how to get inside (and imagining the worst that could happen if she didn't), a piece of parchment appeared on the door. Tina hung back for a moment or two to give her classmates space to do...
whatever they were going to do. Nope, she wasn't fighting her way through crowds, thank you very much! Eventually she found a gap big enough to squeeze through and made her way to the door. As her dark eyes scanned the parchment, her panic immediately turned to anger. Really,
Noble?! I expected better from you, she thought. Professor Noble had been one of the few teachers Tina trusted not to throw her into needlessly uncertain situations... until now.
Still fuming, Tina considered the question. Hmm... she would think ethics would encompass all of those things listed, therefore she tapped all of the above. But as soon as she did, she started doubting herself. It seemed a little too easy... what if it was a trick question? Oh, Merlin! It probably was and she just took the bait like a fool!
Now what? Would she be allowed to try again until she got it right or would she be forced to stand outside for the whole class... at least until a professor - or Merlin forbid, Headmaster Trent - found her and demanded to know why she wasn't in potions? Oh no, oh no, oh nonononono,
she was going to get in trouble; she just knew it!
__________________ Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led  If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true... |