Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Quote:
Originally Posted by HoneyPleaseMe Did everyone know that Sparrow Stemp had the best girlfriend ever?
He'd told everyone he knew, but he still wasn't sure they really understood. She was the best best. Best of the best. Most amazing. And he'd introduced her to Nando's and she'd LOVED it, which made everything even better.
He couldn't imagine breaking up with her and so it was good that he didn't have to - because Nando's really was a deal breaker. Ask Beau Montague. Ask anyone who'd ever been to Nando's ever.
Anyone would think that his face must hurt, but Sparrow had been grinning so wide for months now that he didn't feel any pain at all. He'd also stopped worrying about whether or not his hands were sweaty when they held hands (although that might have partly been due to the fact that it was FREEZING).
So he was holding Afrika's hand in his and swinging it along a little as they went into the Three Broomsticks and he chose a booth.
"Have I told you you look pretty? You look super pretty." Afrika had perpetual heart eyes. Sparrow was so nice and he complicated her all the time and was just THE COOLEST and the BEST to look at AND THE BEST AT INTRODUCING HER TO NANDOS.
PERFECT boyfriend was perfect.
They'd even gotten over just giggling the entire time they were holding hands. Weren't they super cute? She thought they were cuuuute. "Thanks. You look pretty too." she said happily.
She settled into the booth. "You've got me craving Nando's now." True story.
__________________ I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________  _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You |