Join Date: May 2012 Location: Over here! (GMT -5)
Posts: 17,240
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ruth (Rae) Elliot Gryffindor First Year x12 x12
| Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite SPOILER!!: Replies SPOILER!!: Kaira Quote:
Originally Posted by Sangeetha Kaira smiled at the headmaster. It was obvious that he thought of her as lacking in time management. 'Thank you..professor..I'm alright..didn't know the class was going to be here,' she said.
Clubs? Well..they were clubs.'Oh..umm..if someone attacks you, you can hit them with it,' she said, grabbing a club. 'Umm..if there is a robber in your house and need to get him before he gets can hit him on the head with a club..,' she said, remembering particularly memorable scenario of her sister hitting a robber who had broken into their house with a club. 'My sister has done it..,'she added, now feeling slightly stupid.
He was expecting that response the moment he asked the question. Granted, he wasn't expecting it from a Ravenclaw necessarily but the man wasn't picky.
Hitting was a valid response...
Just... "If there's a robber, Parker....I don't suggest....a club isn't.....that's dangerous." He finally settled on. "What happens if he wrestles the club from you, or if he had from her. The situation could've been far worse. In future, there are safer and more effective ways of dealing with burglaries." Malachi didn't even wanna think of how it could've gone. SPOILER!!: Archer Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Well, at least the seams of her shirt were holding up well against the scratching. She really didn't need a hole in these sleeves, especially since IT started showing up. The 'it' being FUR. Fur that she wasn't supposed to have, since she is a human being, damn it! And she hadn't had time to journey to the hospital wing for it, as she'd, unfortunately, slept through her first couple of classes and woken up with only enough time for a quick shower and gathering of her supplies. Luckily, she'd done all that and made it here on time and so was here for the instructions.
Anyway, what could one use a club for....? "Some forms of law enforcement use them as weapons," she answered while she retrieved a club and sat down again. Actually, she was getting another idea. It seemed that along with the random fur patches came weird cravings. Like one for the wooden instrument in her hand. "Or, or, or we could eat them!" she exclaimed before attempting to do just that. Only, the second she bit into it, she ended up with splinters in both her gums and her tongue. And there was some bleeding.... "OW!"
Not a good idea.
He hadn't been down installing the virtues of proper burglary prevention in Parker when he heard the "ow". Sure, he'd heard something about law enforcement too but what REALLY got him was the way Calrissian put the club in her mouth and took a bite out of it.
Thankfully, the clubs weren't covered in uneven sides that could cause too much harm. He saw the bleeding but wasn't worried. The sides of the clubs were almost smooth, it wouldn't have caused too much damage. They weren't crudely made. "Calrissian, that is NOT food!" He reprimanded, a bit stronger than he'd intended for it to come out but the man was honestly floored when it came to why she thought making a snack out of their class activity was OKAY.
He drew his wand and gestured the Hufflepuff closer. Simple stuff he could handle. Merlin knew his own kids got themselves recklessly hurt all the time. "Let's have a look." SPOILER!!: Jackson Quote:
Originally Posted by Dokimoto “Sir… er… It was quite bare in there to be honest.” …It looked like it had been looted. Jackson went up to retrieve a club, and was completely taken aback when Archer was actually TAKING A BITE of her club. He blinked at her, trying to register what had just happened. “I’d wager that’s not how we’re using those today,” he added. “There are certain muggle sports that use them or a version of them… like cricket or golf.” Club now in hand, Jackson moved out of the way, taking care of the itch that had just developed on his back. “Or you can use it as a last resort backscratcher.” "Wish you'd started with that." Honestly. "Saying books are missing isn't nearly the same thing as "it's bare"." The boy was a Ravenclaw, surely he could see the issue with wording and the implication of both.
But now wasn't the time for that. "I'll have a look after the lesson, I suppose." Or get the librarian to. Books and all. Her territory really.
He creased his brows at the boy. Again, he'd heard the response but it was the boy's actions that distracted him. "Are you....are you itchy too?" The mention of a back scratcher while scratching said honestly reminded him a little of Kettleburn. SPOILER!!: Daisy Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra "It is early days, Headmaster considering but I'm getting there. Thank you so much for everything. I appreciate it." Daisy replied.
Daisy went and grabbed herself a club and that's when she saw fellow Hufflepuff, Archer bite into a club, Daisy's eyes widened in shocked disbelief. She then gave the Headmaster a bemused look. As for the question posed to the class, Daisy bit her lip in thought. What if she repeated an answer? She raised her hand slowly. "Maybe if someone is trapped inside a house that's on fire, then a type of club can be used by firefighters to gain access to the house."
Daisy quickly put her hand down after saying her answer, looking rather embarrassed.
Right. Of course. The Headmaster nodded his response. These things took time. However much time she needed, Swann could keep seeing the Healer and they could get that sorted. "Firefighters, if I remember correctly, usually have axes and other sharp, blunt objects on them to get into burning buildings. You're not wrong, a club could definitely be one of them. Just some extra information."
While they were in this learning environment. SPOILER!!: Dorian Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Had he done his homework and practised the spell? Of course he had. Even with all the other homework, Dorian always made sure that his DADA homework was top priority because it was his worst subject out of all. Although he had improved, he was still lacking trust in himself when it came to this subject.
While he waited for class to start, Dorian could not help but overhear the conversation between Jackson and the Headmaster. Curious, the fifteen year old got a few steps closer to listen while pretending to be casually looking around. The books in the study room had vanished? Dorian frowned..... interesting.
Walking to the table, the Ravenclaw saw in the corner of his blue eyes that one of the Hufflepuffs was BITING one of the wooden clubs and he turned his head to stare at her before shaking his head in disbelief. Picking up one of the clubs from the table, he inspected it in his hands. "Perhaps you can defend yourself by blocking certain spells?...then again i guess you need to have very good accuracy to know where a spell is aimed at your body so ...." He scratched the top of his head, definitely unsure of his answer. "Nevermind..." Holding the club behind his back, he walked back to his previous spot "Absolutely." Not agreeing to the suggestion but to the reasoning why it couldn't work. Quite sharp this one, checking his answer as he offered it. Didn't miss a beat. It would probably serve him well in the long run--provided he lived long enough to think about his responses and change them. "It'd be real risky business going up against someone with only a club and hoping to block whatever they throw at you. That aside, many spells affect a wide area on a person. Even if you managed to lock in where your opponent is aiming, the club may not be nearly enough. Good catch on that one." Most probably wouldn't realize the problem the moment they said things. SPOILER!!: Zoryn Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Was the double take necessary? Look, no one was more surprised than Zoryn Spinnet, herself. But let’s make one thing clear, she was going to make sure that this never happened again. Showing up first made her look like an absolute nerd and that’s not something she wanted on her record. Rather be late and lose points than risk her reputation. Especially if the risk included getting tagged as a ‘teacher’s pet’ something she actively was not.
Which only made itself more and more evident, as she had not read the chapter assignment. Nor did she practice the spell, but after 6.2 years she was starting to get real good at improvising. So all was well…. Hopefully.
The Gryffindor wasted no time walking up to grab herself a club because HOLY COOL. She could kill a man with one of these… Worth trying to sneak away with one at the end of the lesson. As for the question, “could come in handy if you’ve ever gotta get someone to shut up the hard way, give ‘em a deserving whack in the head.” Just saying.
That’s what Zoryn would use it for.
Speaking of which, did that Hufflepuff girl (Archer) need a whack in the head to bring her to her senses? ‘Cause no offense, but what the hell? Zoryn would be HAPPY to offer her assistance. Pick her Professor!!! She’s got this!
He opened his mouth to reply. Closed it. Opened it....then closed it again.
... "I..."
.... "Let's not hit any of our classmates today, no matter how deserving and how desperately we need them to be quiet or how undesirable their behaviour may be." Like Calrissian and the club just now. Just. Don't. "Let's not do it tomorrow or the next day either. Let's just never." Had to cover his bases with this one. SPOILER!!: Josephine Quote:
Originally Posted by PuppySara She couldnt help the wince as the door slammed, honestly, she'd never get used to it. Was it REALLY needed? No... just needed to be over dramatic she supposed...
She went up and grabbed a club, "As mentioned before it could be good for wacking someone coming after you." Maybe the fifth year had contemplating trying it on her younger siblings when they refused to listen with the plastic one they had at home... "Perhaps if you don't know a spell to protect yourself or whoever it was managed to get your wand away from you?"
Though it might be silly, it was her best guess.
And another for hitting people. At least this one didn't have the reputation that would lead him to think it needed to be addressed immediately. "While not ideal, yes. You could hit someone that was coming after you. Just be sure they aren't stronger and able to easily take the club and turn the tables."
That would be....unfortunate, to say the least. SPOILER!!: Vita Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Vita absently rested her hand just below her neck, checking to see that her necklace was still safely tucked underneath her uniform and around her neck. With all the items that had gone missing, she was keeping the ones she held dear to her nice and close. As for the headmaster's question... "Nothing to report yet, Sir. Hoping it stays that way."
The sixth year didn't particularly like the idea of everyone having clubs in class, particularly because that Zoryn girl looked and sounded all too eager to use hers, but she picked one out of the bunch and observed it as those around her answered the question at hand. How could you put this...tool to use? Hm. "I suppose you could use it to break into places, or out, depending. It'd be particularly useful for breaking glass. That's if you couldn't use your magic, though." If you had a wand instead, why wouldn't you just use that?
Oh good, nothing to report. "Splendid." One less thing he would have to somehow sort out today. Until he found out what was causing these disappearances, he could never really let his guard down. Nothing was safe--except for whatever Mallari owned, apparently.
What was her secret and how did he adapt it to the rest of the school?
Her answer was...interesting. No more or no less distressing than one or two others, just...interesting. "It would be particularly useful for glass and break ins. Personal experience? Wait. I'm not sure if I'm obligated to take action. No confessions. I change my mind--unless you know more about the hourglasses than you're letting on, WHICH let me just say again to everyone," He paused to face the class again. "I won't be angry, I won't yell, just come clean." And that concluded his public announcement. SPOILER!!: Chase Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson He nodded at the Headmaster's greeting, once again pleasantly surprised by how this new Headmaster was much different from Scrimmy. He had been half expecting to hear an earful about how he shouldn't speak unless spoken to but was glad when the Headmaster didn't. He watched a few other students pour into the classroom after him and then the lesson began.
Yes, Chase had done his homework and required reading. He had even read the chapter twice to better prepare himself for the lesson. His personal goals with OWLS looming over his head was to make sure that he was on top of his game when it came to studying. Though he hadn't been expecting the Headmaster to ask them to come up and select a club. Hmm... He wondered what the Headmaster would want them to do with it... Hopefully not swing and hit something... As the Headmaster asked for reasons on why they would need this muggle instrument, he paused and waited, listening to his peers' feedback. His jaw dropped when he saw a Hufflepuff girl bite the club. He blinked at her, utterly confused by her actions.
Was this the affect of Hufflepuff's not being able to go into the Kitchen? Would Hufflepuffs just start eating everything around them... Then again maybe that's why things were disappearing... He sorely doubted that his thought was factual but it was a fun fantasy to imagine. Heh.
Now back to the question at hand... Yes, you could hit things and people with it if you'd like too... He made a note not to upset Zoryn for fear of her swinging a club in the air and hitting him with a club. "If it was long enough, you could probably use it as a walking stick to help balance yourself. Or if it was wide enough, you could probably use like a hammer with enough force...?"
Yes, he was a little bit out there with the suggestions but maybe that'd work? "Both very true." He conceded. Didn't know why anyone would use a weapon of force as a walking stick but it didn't make the answer wrong. [b]"The hammer is a bit more on the mark, especially in light of today's topic but we'll get into that in a moment.
Right now his attention was being pulled by Kettleburn licking her club. SPOILER!!: Kettleburn Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin As a matter of fact, Chloe was NOT feeling better, and she gave the Headmaster a skeptical look. Why was he even bringing it up? Chloe began to itch her arms again, which was annoying because she'd finally managed to forget about the itch.
"No, sir, I don't need any potions. It's feeling much better." She scratched at her arms before pinning them hard against her chest in a sort of self hug. "Clubs, right? We can use clubs to open very hard to open pickle jars. And to reach that itchy spot on your back that you can't reach with just your hands."
She retrieved a club and returned to her spot on the carpet, waiting for the rest of her classmates to prepare themselves for the next part of the lesson. Absently, Chloe gave the club a lick. Ew. Metallic. She licked it again. "Don't get any ideas." He warned, turning to face the Head Girl. After what happened with Calrissian, he didn't NEED anyone else trying to take a bite out of the equipment. "Not sure I'd use it for a pickle jar if I wanted the pickles in it after but to each their...own...." Was she back to scratching at her arms? "I thought you said you were fine?" Because once again, she was now making HIM itch. SPOILER!!: Hanna Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Hanna had a brief pause and nodded, "Most of the time. Learning is fun, but I'm not so happy if I haven't slept well or eaten." Flashbacks to last term.
Hanna listened to the start of the lesson and did as instructed by getting herself a club. She pondered the question at hand. She listened to the answers around her and thought perhaps... well it might not work at all, but... that one story with the pink umbrella. She raised her hand. "If someone was so curious, could they incorporate their wand into the club, and turn the club into a magical device?"
Well that was an interesting question. Rather than jump right into it, the man paused a moment to really think it over. Ravenclaws tended to try theories as much as Gryffindors did. If this one DID try anything, he didn't want it to be at the expense of her wand. "Yes...and no." Was a good place to start. "You wouldn't want to put your wand into anything, in case you can't get it out after. Just bad practice." Dangerous stuff. "But what you could do is incorporate magic into your club to make it strong, harder...whatever you wanted. Runes in particularly would be a good choice there. Runic magic. Very stable, very reliable." "Moving on!" Away from certain people's thoughts of smacking others silly. He'd be a proper questionable Headmaster if he allowed that sort of thing, but he would allow some a minute. "Based on the reading, I'm sure you're all aware that today's lesson will be on trolls. They usually have their own sorts of clubs and they vary in intelligence and type but we'll get into that in a minute." This wasn't the time for recap. That would come when it absolutely needed to just to keep it fresh in their minds. "Today, you all have your own clubs. You will use these to get rid of a little problem that we're about to have."
With a flick of his wand, a side door within the dueling arena swung open and little trolls began marching...marching...hobbling...stumbling--they were moving and doing the best they could, okay?? They were making their way from the room in droves. "You'll have to use your clubs to hit them. Hit them as hard as you can. Don't hold back. No worries about hurting them, they're simply a manifestation of magic. Don't hit them hard enough and you'll see why they're a problem." They came equipped with their own clubs and while they didn't posses the same strength as a real troll, or the size being only knee high, those clubs did hurt a bit. Not enough to break bones, but just enough to make you not wanna get hit a second time if you were unfortunate enough the first time. "Begin." The trolls poured into the room, dull eyed and ready to begin swinging. Some where already swinging, some were picking their noses.
The cluster of them moved toward the students with grunts.
They were ready to whack and smack as was the nature put into them
Were the students ready? OOC: Mini activity tiiiime! Like was mentioned, have your students swinging and smacking the mini-trolls. Imagine whack-a-mole but with moving targets that swing back and do hurt a bit. I'll post with little prompts for you guys to have trolls as often as I can and you all will have about 60 - 72 hrs to whack as many of them as you can. Or not. Whatever works for you and your charrie ^^
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |