Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI Well, at least the seams of her shirt were holding up well against the scratching. She really didn't need a hole in these sleeves, especially since IT started showing up. The 'it' being FUR. Fur that she wasn't supposed to have, since she is a human being, damn it! And she hadn't had time to journey to the hospital wing for it, as she'd, unfortunately, slept through her first couple of classes and woken up with only enough time for a quick shower and gathering of her supplies. Luckily, she'd done all that and made it here on time and so was here for the instructions.
Anyway, what could one use a club for....? "Some forms of law enforcement use them as weapons," she answered while she retrieved a club and sat down again. Actually, she was getting another idea. It seemed that along with the random fur patches came weird cravings. Like one for the wooden instrument in her hand. "Or, or, or we could eat them!" she exclaimed before attempting to do just that. Only, the second she bit into it, she ended up with splinters in both her gums and her tongue. And there was some bleeding.... "OW!"
Not a good idea.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |