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Uhhhh.....where....was Chase?
Lucas was waiting, mate. The younger boy was a little late????? He wasn't mad or upset, more wistfully shaking his head about it. The Gryffindor was a mess, honestly, but then again, Lucas felt like a whole mess lately, too. He did have a lot to tell Chase about, and it was less about girls and more about Uni stuff. Not fun Uni stuff. He did have the Violet kiss but....eh. He was feeling less and less enthused about that lately because Violet.........sigh.
"Too old? Don't talk to me about too old, child!" he said as he kicked (LIGHTLY) Chase's knee with the toe of his foot. "You're still young in your bones!" He rattled his fist like an old man.
Oiw!" The exclamation that escaped Chase's lips was a mix between the word "Oi" and the cry "Ow". It was an over-dramatized reaction to Lucas lightly kicking his knee with the toe of his foot. The dramatized reaction was really driven by him not expecting Lucas to do that. He glanced up at Lucas and within a few seconds was smiling playfully again. "
Child? Who, Me? Noooooooo.... " He laughed. "
Oppa... you're age is showing. You look like my grandfather when he's scolding me." Chase was almost going to fall on the floor because he was laughing so hard but realized that would probably be a recipe for even more scolding by his hyung.
Anyway, enough kidding aside because he was slightly afraid that Lucas would tackle him to the ground with a pillow or something. "
Okay, enough kidding. Sorry I'm late... Ran into a situation and had to help someone out.... I'll buy you dinner next time we go out." That is if Lucas remembered... Hehe. No. Seriously. He would buy his friend dinner. Chase would endeavor to remember this time. "
Sooo... What's up?"