Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
British Ministry of Magic - Department Head
Disciplined | Charming | Blunt | Practical
model: dylan bruce post color: #B2222 James Draper; name: james draper
birthday: november 7, 2055
place of birth: cambridge, england
currently resides in: west lindsey, england
magical heritage: Halfblood
Basics; hair color: brown
eye color: Blue
height: 6’3”
misc: scar running along stomach, received whilst warding off Chinese Fireball
wand: 13 1/4 inches, sturdy Chestnut Wood, Phoenix Feather core
boggart: amortentia: none of your business
patronus: genet
“Physical awareness, agility, stealth, independence.
Passion, sensuality, personal magnetism. Inquisitive but cautious,
alert, resourceful. A genet totem can teach us to be more passionate,
connected and balanced in our lives; To be efficient and focused at
work and playful and relaxed at home.” source
Employment History;
British Army (Basic Training and Stationed at Base)
Deployed to Brunei (Training in Jungle Warefare School)
Enrolled in a few creature-centric classes at local college
WU, Edinburgh Campus: Cryptozoology & Magizoology (with a concentration in 'Exotic Creatures')
Independent Research
CoMC Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Injured Creature Specialist - Colchester Golden Snidget Sanctuary
2090-2097 Personal History; mother: eleanor atkinson
father: henry draper
siblings: none
children: eleanor 'elie' irmen
(unknown to him) dog: a great dane called
merlin Likes;
writing ; research ; adventure novels ;
firewhiskey ; morning runs ; his faithful companion, merlin ;
the outdoors ; the color red; cold climates ; beef rendang ; women.
sugar in his tea ; sugary sweets ; just sugar in general ;
the color yellow ; morning people ; musicals ;
nonsensical conversations ; loud noises ; incompetence.
Hogwarts Education; years attended: 2065-2073
house: gryffindor
extracurricular participation: Dueling Club
strongest subjects: CoMC, DADA, Herbology
In September of the year 2065 James Draper was sorted into Gryffindor House. His strong sense of self, bold persona, and courageous heart allowed him to fit in right away. However, James was often more inclined to socialization and left his education by the wayside. Focusing more on staying on top of the social ladder and up-keeping his mischievous reputation lead James into more detentions than honors. James failed to prove himself academically and was thus rejected from all the universities he applied to by the end of his Seventh Year. His low academic performance whilst at Hogwarts lead him to enlist in the British Army immediately after his graduation.
Closing Remarks;Once graduated from Hogwarts, reality hit James very quickly. His shortcomings in academics lead to rejection from five separate universities and left him without any direction for his future. Believing he had been backed into a corner, James enlisted in the British military. His first ten weeks were spent undergoing strenuous training, where he learned very quickly that one ought to shut their mouth and take direction. During the course of his training James learned much about discipline, restraint, and self-control, all qualities, which he had never practiced until this time.
After ten weeks of initial training in combat, classroom, and environment, James was stationed at a base in England. After two years his exceptional skill lead to his deployment where he was placed in the jungles of Brunei. In Brunei he spent weeks at the Jungle Warfare School, where his interest in the diverse creatures of the land peaked. Whilst on the job, James often found himself wondering off into the jungles to observe the wildlife he encountered. He often took notes and wrote journals of these encounters, in order to keep memory of the journeys. After his four-year-long contract with the military was finally served, James decided to leave the armed forces. He did, however, stay behind in Brunei (later making his way around to China) for the next two years in order to study the diverse fauna.
Realizing that he had a newfound passion for creatures, James packed his bags and went back to his home in England, where he would then pick up a few classes at a local academy. After receiving an ample amount of credits from the local school, James was able to reapply to WU (Edinburgh Campus) and was later accepted under the academic studies of Cryptozoology and Magizoology. His acquired discipline, passion, and drive allowed for James to excel in his studies for the first time in his life. And in the spring of 2086, James graduated from WU with both degrees. Immediately he began travel and before the year came to an end he decided it was time to settle down and find a real job. When he found out his Alma Mater had an opening in the Creatures field, he was quick to jump on board, ready to redeem himself for the initial seven years he had spent taking his schooling for granted. After two years, Draper found it time to part ways with his Alma Mater, taking up a job within the field at Colchester Golden Snidget Sanctuary where he would stay for the next seven years as the on-site Injured Creature Specialist. While the work was consuming, it did allow him time to focus on his academic journals. Next stop? The Ministry of Magic, of course!