Phone post, sorry for any error
Gah!! Class was moved and this was all the notice they were getting? Luckily he had a few minutes to spare, or else Jackson would be in trouble. He pivoted from 104's door and headed to the Duelling Arena instead, perhaps a little more of a rush. If he saw any students on their way, he would redirect them as well.
Aaand then he was there. Made it!! "Good morning, Headmaster! Er..." he paused, remembering what he had needed to bring up to the man. "The books in the study room all seem to be missing Sir, and there seem to be some pranks going around... like the Prefect bathroom... but I'm not sure who could be doing it..." Was it okay to tell him now since class hadn't started yet?? Jackson hoped so. He wished he could collect fingerprints and stuff like they did on those detective type shows, but they hadn't learned fingerprinting at Hogwarts yet.
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