Sarah thinks I'm cute | Shan's safe space. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot Caolan didn’t really care if Józef hadn’t actually put much effort into rowing, the point was that he at least TRIED and for that the Ravenclaw was grateful. The kid was pretty small after all and the small amount of contribution was better than the absolutely abysmal lack of effort that someone else had put in.
No. Caolan Wilson wasn’t bitter at all..
The sixteen year old’s brow raised slightly as the young kid explained what his plans were. As a younger student Caolan might have been a little bit tempted to do the same but as a fifth-year he felt some form of responsibility for being a positive influence on the younger kids and not an encouragement. However.. “You could probably get up there with a decent boost. There’s a ledge up there that looks strong enough and low enough to grab onto and pull yourself up.” Caolan had climbed enough trees in his life to know how best to climb something. He’d also been on one of those adventure holiday things with his mates in school before and found a love for rock climbing. “Not that I’m encouraging you to do it or anything..” Heh.
As for the best time to do it? “I’d say between lessons or just before lunch when everyone is heading back to the castle. You’d get the majority of the student traffic then.” Once again, not that he was persuading him to do any of this. Józef's eyes wandered to the ledge that Caolan was talking about, head tilting to one side as he considered it. The older boy made a good point and he could probably make it with a running jump. He did roll his eyes a moment later when he just had to point out that he wasn't encouraging, because it sounded like the exact opposite.
Older kids were weird, though. "See, I thought about maybe flying, right," he started, shuffling his feet a little and turning back to Caolan. "And then I could jump onto it from my broom, but then my broom would just.... fall to the floor, and I can't exactly risk it getting broken." No, he'd already missed a lot of Quidditch thanks to the Headmaster. Gryffindor didn't need their best asset flying a school broom again.
"Yeah. Before lunch sounds like a good time." If he could get ahead of the crowd and sprint his way down here first. His eyes once again watched the pendulum swing a few times before Jó rounded back on the older boy.
"What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?"
__________________  ⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽