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"Excellent, because yes the healer track will definitely require diligent studying and its not for the faint of heart." Amelia said in response and paused thoughtfully. "The campuses at London and Edinburgh work closely with St Mungos to allow for internships and volunteering. I would assume that ones in other countries work with local wizarding hospitals but I sadly cannot know for sure." did that answer her question?? Hopefully.
Okay. Wait was it normal for students to just carry copies of their exam grades around?? Merlin, apparently thirty years and the pressure was quite intense. She definitely didn't remember it being THAT intense.
Taking the parchment, she glanced it over, nodding approvingly. "These are very impressive, Prefect Swann. I think if you do as well on your NEWTs in those subjects your got Os and Es in, you should have no trouble being accepted into the school of your choosing" Or well at least she assumed so, but evidently competition was intense these days. Probably why Chloe didn't bother university.
Daisy listened attentively as Professor Adara explained about internships.
"I would prefer going to a London or Edinburgh-based wizarding university if I am honest with you due to the convenience of the location. Anyway, it wouldn't take me long to research it. Maybe I could send an owl to the head of St Mungo's."
Daisy smiled when she was complimented on her exam results.
"Thank you, Professor." She then got up from her seat.
"Well, I think you have helped me a lot, Professor. Thank you so much."