Kate!/Lucas! not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Indigo needed someplace to think. Someplace quiet where he wouldn't be bothered by other people. His dorm just wouldn't do, because there were people there. One certain person, in fact, whose presence tended to distract him sometimes. So it was best to stay away for now. As he was wondering, looking for just the right place, his eyes landed on the balcony and his feet carried him before he had even fully formed the thought. It was winter now, which meant it was a bit chilly and this balcony probably wasn't used as often as it would be otherwise. Indigo had a jacket, and the cold didn't necessarily bother him. Maybe it would even be useful to jump start his brain. That was how he found himself standing on the balcony, sitting with his back against the castle, staring out over the grounds.