skipping muggle studies, uh oh connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow When he'd made it to the safety of the entrance hall, Maxton had snuck a peek at the note Stewart had provided him and he wasn't impressed. Administer a potion and then send him back to class? Knowing his luck, he'd be sent back just in time for the physical activity to start.
He'd been considering just skipping out on the whole visit to the Hospital Wing thing completely, but what if Professor Stewart checked? While he was willing to fake a stomach ache to miss class, he still didn't want to find himself in trouble. What if word got back to Trent? The Headmaster already seemed to be harbouring some kind of dislike towards him and then there had been that whole talk about 'responsibility' and.....
Anyways, he was here now and it was time to turn up the dramatics. "UuUuUUhhghhhhhhhh."
Clutching at his stomach some more, Maxton made his way into the Hospital Wing and practically doubled over. He was dedicated to the cause, okay?
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