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One thing that surprised Amelia was that other than the baby house elf, all the other elves were STILL here from her student days. She supposed it was testiment to their loyalty but also to that Hogwarts treated the House Elves fairly decent in comparison to other places. She didn't know if they remembered her though, given how many students had passed in the last three decades and that they were probably old and senile now. Did house elves have a memory span?
Hearing the pop, the redhead was at the broomshed quicker than you could say hippogriff, curious as to what brought the most senior of elves outside. "Algamus!! Is everything okay?" She greeted, feet crunching on the already hard Scottish grounds as she crossed over to the shed. Because it was alarming to see an elf here. Perhaps he forgot his duties even, which would be more alarming since she always knew Algamus to be the most serious.
Algamus turned and peered up at the approaching nice professor lady and shook his head hard enough that his ears flapped. It was important to find his broom!
"Algamus is not okay. Algamus is not knowing where Algamus's broom is. Algamus is knowing that flying brooms are here, and maybe Algamus's broom is here."