Torii returned the professor's nod then headed back to the stash of brooms. It didn't really matter to her which one she tried next. She had to ride all of them at some point, didn't she? The fourth year frowned as another itch crept its way up her arm. Why in the world was she itching so much lately? She sighed and picked up the next broom she saw, a Cleansweep 30.
She sat it by her side as she took a few detailed notes of its appearance. When she was done, she swept her leg over the side of the broom and kicked off. Even though she could only go about four feet in the air, she could still feel how the broom wanted to move faster and much further than the Oakshaft 79. Now this one could get her places...and fast!
She took a ride around the pitch, trying to get a true feel for how it would feel to really ride one of these. When she'd made her way around, she returned to her notes and made a nearby landing. She spent a few minutes adding to her notes before returning to the broom to where she'd found it.
Name: Torii Stark
Oakshaft 79: The first broom I tested was the Oakshaft 79. It had a thick, oak handle. It was also an interesting broom to hold, because I know that it was made by hand. There is no other broom exactly like it. When flyingh on it, I could tell it wasn't made for speed. Even though I was only four feet in the air, I could feel that the broom was more content to just get me from place to place.
Cleansweep 30: The second broom I tried was the Cleansweep 30. This broom is made of Spanish oak and feels really nice to hold. I could only go four feet in the air, but I could almost feel how fast the broom wanted to go. It seems capable of going much faster than the Oakshaft 79. I wouldn't mind having this broom either!