Cameron Temesis you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway. He'd gotten lost again. it was impossible not to in a school this big and winding, and did he mention big? Big.
The hufflepuff chaser had been trying for the astronomy tower but somehow managed to slip right into the dueling arena. It was a cool space. Big (big? big) and empty and full of artifacts he had often read about but never seen despite his famiy's weapon room. Curiousity getting the better of him, Maxie moved about the room like a nervous cat. One foot after the other until he stood before one of the large dummies they practiced magic on. It was big (big??? big) and suprisingly clear of marks.
Maybe it was a new one or maybe they did magic on each Dummy to keep them looking good and new. Maxie traced the lines of the dummy with his pointer finger, enjoying how smooth and cool the surface was under his touch. "Y-You've seen s-s-ome action, huh soldier?" he said, quoting a film from a far off century. Maybe this wouldn't be a bad place to do his speech exercises, it was big (bIG???? big) and comfortable and seemed to be mostly empty whenever he walked by - save for the dummies, of course.
And there was something about these dummies. Something just intimidating enough to trigger his stutter but not enough to make him feel stupid.
He hummed thoughtfully, stepping back from the dummy and peering around to make sure he was, in fact, alone before he took in a great big (BIG????? big) breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. The doctor had taught him to calm his mind, empty it all out like a trash can at the end of a night. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
He had yet to realize he had forgotten what came next.
Spoiler alert: it was neither the chicken nor the egg.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence