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Old 01-31-2019, 06:52 AM   #2 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 14,116

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!


For participating in a Herbology lesson, you can earn up to 20 points. Take note that my lessons may not adhere to this structure strictly. This is just the basic rubric that I can adjust no matter how the components of my lessons are arranged. Below is the grading rubric that I will be using to administer individual points:

Arrival - 2 points possible
2 = member produces an arrival post at the beginning of the lesson.
(This is the least consequential point of the entire lesson as well as being the first point of interaction. I don't think we need to be nitpicky about it and like Beth and Sarah in some way mentioned, we should be appreciative the students CAME at all so why be highkey uptight about it?).

Question 1 - 3 points possible (verbal and non-verbal correct/incorrect responses accepted. Answers that are completely off topic are also accepted with varying degrees of IC consequences)

1 = member produces a post that does not in any way acknowledge the prompt, (makes absolutely no mention of the professor or the question or anything else happening in the classroom) OR produces a post with a copied response from web/another student without putting it into their own words or making mention that they're piggy backing off the person who's answer they're copying.
2 = member produces a post with a response that is original/in their own words but lacks details such as a charries personal opinion/thoughts/feelings/reaction or any other detail that adds individuality to the post.
3 = member produces a post with a detailed response that is original/in their own words in addition to personal thoughts/reactions/feelings/opinions. (Note: These do not have to be explicitly said by the character, just mentioned in the post to create depth rather than a post that states the answer and ends.) Thoughts on a characters lack of interest in the subject, their excitement about whatever is happening, what they'd rather be doing or however else you choose to showcase your character's personality.

Question 2 - 3 points possible (verbal and non-verbal correct/incorrect responses accepted. Answers that are completely off topic are also accepted with varying degrees of IC consequences)

1 = member produces a post that does not in any way acknowledge the prompt, (makes absolutely no mention of the professor or the question or anything else happening in the classroom) OR produces a post with a copied response from web/another student without putting it into their own words or making mention that they're piggy backing off the person who's answer they're copying.
2 = member produces a post with a response that is original/in their own words but lacks details such as a charries personal opinion/thoughts/feelings/reaction or any other detail that adds individuality to the post.
3 = member produces a post with a detailed response that is original/in their own words in addition to personal thoughts/reactions/feelings/opinions. (Note: These do not have to be explicitly said by the character, just mentioned in the post to create depth rather than a post that states the answer and ends.) Thoughts on a characters lack of interest in the subject, their excitement about whatever is happening, what they'd rather be doing or however else you choose to showcase your character's personality.

Practice/Mini-Activity - 4 points possible (at least 1 post required -- does not need the "correct" end result to get maximum points)

2 = member produces a post with minimal detail (provides character action, missing many essential details such as character thoughts, impressions, opinions, feelings)
3 = member produces a post with acceptable detail (provides character actions, missing some essential details ex. saying a character is annoyed but not mentioning why, having a character give up without reason, refuse to do the activity without reason etc.)
4 = member produces a post with exceptional detail (provides character actions/thoughts, eg. a post in which a character's thoughts/feelings are explored or made mention of (negative, positive or neutral), actions are provided in some amount of detail such as how they do whatever they're doing (carefully? sloppily?) etc)

Practical/Main Acitivty - 8 points possible (at least 1 post required -- does not need the "correct" end result to get maximum points)

1 - 4 = member produces a post with minimal detail (provides character action, missing many essential details such as character thoughts, impressions, opinions, feelings)
5 - 6 = member produces a post with acceptable detail (provides character actions, missing some essential details ex. saying a character is annoyed but not mentioning why, having a character give up without reason, refuse to do the activity without reason etc.)
7 - 8 = member produces a post with exceptional detail (provides character actions/thoughts, eg. a post in which a character's thoughts/feelings are explored or made mention of (negative, positive or neutral), actions are provided in some amount of detail such as how they do whatever they're doing (carefully? sloppily?) etc.)

If you have any questions regarding how to earn House Points through your lesson participation, please contact me by PM.
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