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Old 01-29-2019, 11:31 AM   #41 (permalink)

DoM & AC
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Addison Ayers
First Year

Jackson wasn’t surprised that most people picked the same kind of brooms to be honest… There were some that were just clearly superior. At least compared to some of the school brooms. He was grateful that there were some provided just in case, but Merlin they were not for Quidditch! The question posed helped Jackson realize how much studying up he could use because he couldn’t think of even ONE broom that was not present or already accounted for. Lame. He really needed to do more research for his own benefit, but he had been content with the fact that he had a good working broom. He got out a piece of parchment for note-taking and got started.

The first broom available was the Oakshaft 79 and MERLIN was it ancient. If there was anything that could help you believe in magic, it would be hopping on a broom centuries older than you and trusting it would fly you through the sky! Still hesitant, Jackson hopped onto the Oakshaft and tried it out. It was only minutes later when he was fine with never riding this broom again. “That’s gonna be enough for me…” he said as he got off, putting it back where he had found it.

Next up was the Shooting Star.

Originally Posted by Notes
Oakshaft 79 – HUNDREDS of years old, hurts my bum
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