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Magnolia needed alone time. Having two sibling at Hogwarts, both younger than her, meant that she always always needed to find somewhere secluded to escape.
She loved her siblings but they could be a bit much...especially Jayce.
The RavenClaw sighed heavily when she approached /her/ spot and saw that someone had beaten her there.
Darn It.
It was still better than a crowded common room so she continued towards the balcony.
"Farah??" She'd never seen her up here before.
"You found my spot."
The peace and quiet was very much needed. Sometimes so much was going on that she didn’t have time to think. This place was a diamond in the ruff.
Until she heard a voice.
Looking up, Farah was going to sigh buuuut seeing Mags, she couldn’t. The girl was one of her favorites. “
Your spot?? I don’t see your name on it.” Farah said teasingly. “
I didn’t know this place existed. Think you can share?” Farah said leaning against the banister again.