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Old 01-21-2019, 12:26 PM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is online now
Default Flying Lesson One {Evolution of Broomsticks}

Amelia was out much earlier than the 10am start time as she had made it a point to test drive all the brooms present today and scattered around. There were several editions of the Oakshaft, Cleansweep, Blasting Star, Shooting Star and Jollyrocket some dating back a hundred years but with maintenance, looked almost as good as the Jollyrocket 1100 she was side-seated upon, legs crossed at the ankles, hovering in a position where she could monitor students as they approached the pitch area.

She's reading the latest copy of Quidditch International recognizing a few of her peers having their children's names be printed, but rest-assured, she is definitely attuned to your arrival and no funny business should be made with any of the brooms present.

After turning in your assignments, please find a spot in the arranged semi-circle of towels to gather around and wait to begin. You may sit on one of the towels but don't get too comfortable as this flying class, after all...

ooc: meant to open the thread last night, but anyway we will officially begin in about 12 hours to give ya a chance to arrive and present your mini assignment you were given... which is to turn a parchment stating your favorite broom and why. There's a box on the ground below with a small slit where you can place your parchments. This might be the first RPed Flying class but rest-assured, this is not the first IC flying class and even first years will have had their introductory class about flying any questions consult my rules/expectations thread or PM/VM/skype/twitter at me ... Lesson has started! Catchup posts allowed but please post accordingly unless you wish for proper IC punishment for tardiness

Lesson Progression
* Question One: Name a Broomstick Model OR a spec about a broom
* Mini / Main Activity: Comparing/contrasting the broom and going for a test drive!!!