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Old 01-19-2019, 11:48 AM   #114 (permalink)

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The first step of their lesson sounded very fin - Hanna enjoyed crafts. Even though there was a charm that would probably help paint, or turn the rock white, painting was fun. Up she went to collect some white paint and a brush. She painted it white, evenly, doing a few layers and using an air charm to dry the bits of paint to make it quicker. She didn't have a week to leave it to dry between coats.

Finding a flat bit of ground wasn't too difficult, and she put her big rock down. She didn't know any spells to check if things were level or not, so using her eyes was the best way she could do that. It looked fairly level, but if it wasn't she assumed she'd know soon enough.

Originally Posted by Jean Granger View Post
Now, for the next few steps... as much as she disliked it, Jade had to admit that she needed help. She had read about the severing charm and sticking charm, but had never used them before and knew better than to try a spell without learning it properly first. Thus, she raised her hand and said loudly to the older students around her, "Can anyone help me with the charms? Please?"
She needed to cut the bottom of the stick so that it was flat next, but heard, as she went to do so, one of her fellow Ravenclaws in need of help. Hanna went over to her, with her own stick and wand. "I'm not sure if others use a different one but... but I use diffindo to cut things like this. Maybe Professor Kennedy has a better one." She wasn't sure, actually. "Diffindo isn't toooo hard. It's just diffindo, and with your wand you do a sort of big V with a tail." She demonstrated using her own. "deef-IN-doe," she said, pointing her wand towards the end of the stick and doing the big V with a tail wand movement. "You try! Um... but maybe on a different stick if you want to practice." Otherwise she'd have to look for a whole other stick.


always on the move
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