Hi hi massive catch-up post Ern's Walmart Greeter Excited? Check. Nervous? Double check.
He still wasn't sure why he was here, why he'd decided quidditch was all of a sudden for him, but he was kind of glad to be here. Everyone seemed so welcoming and nice and... well with the exception of those first years who were giving off weird vibes. But only with each other so he wasn't all that bothered. His arms stretched out over his head, flopping down to rest on his dark hair as Bel came over to greet them all. He kept quiet, just smiling in greeting. Summer events had sorta done that to him. Quieter than usual and fighting the battle between wanting to be alone all the time and doing everything he could to keep busy. So maybe this could be good for him, something he didn't know he needed.
So they were running? Perfect. He was good at this. Not being fast but... still fair and he certainly had the stamina. Special thanks to Derf, Theo, and Faith for helping him out last year and sorta making that his new hobby; the working out more so than the running but... still. Fast wasn't really his style, nor was showing off so he maintained a spot at the middle of the group.
Oh wait wow.
Obstacle course. MASSIVE obstacle course. With bubbles and... balloons???? This was... wow. "You did this? All by yourself?' And as if right on cue, his eyes landed on Derf. Heh. Hi friend. So maybe not by herself. But still. "Bel, this is awesome." But even better? They were going to get to run through it and... yeah, wow. Cue the sparkly eyes.
Oh and thank merlin. There was gear here already. With a jaunty few steps, Eamon made his way to it and dug through all of the options, pulling a side some brown goggles and gloves, with matching pads before going to retrieve a broom. Any old broom. Just another brown one with a faded label. Cool. Check. Done. Wait.... He needed a bat too. Graaaaab.
Now it was time to show what he thought he had. Or the potential of what he could be? Yeah. That. The goggles came down and his feet flew up.
Right so...
He looked around at the other Hufflepuffs. And then down at Bel, a pit forming where all that confidence once was. Both of the other beaters had been on the team before. And one was Derf. Merlin. Okay. Get going, Eams. With the bat in hand, swaying a little in attempt to release his anxiety, he inched toward the uppers and lowers, figuring that was a good way to start.
The seventh year stopped and took a break before diving right in.
Quite literally, unfortunately. Maybe he should've done a proper broom warm up earlier this morning. Oops. Feet scraping the ground, Eam kicked off hard going right back up and over the first obstacle. They were supposed to be racing again, right? Let's kick up the speed. He dove back down, intentionally going through the next one sideways so he could have more room to go back up quicker without having to be too careful about going forward too much so his climb wouldn't be as sharp and difficult. For those that were more spaced sideways, he kept his turns a lot sharper, holding tighter to the handle of his broom, keeping his body closer. But near the end, he grew a little too confident in his abilities and sort knocked into one of the poles out on the water, feet getting soaked as they hit the water.
Annoyed and fired up at his failure, he snaked around the goal posts picking up speed toward the balloons, bat extended out as he neared them; ready. WHACK.
He sent a balloon whirling toward Tammy, narrowly missing her as he dodged a few coming into his own path.
Oh yeah. This was fun. Time to go again.
He zoomed toward the beginning again with a better goal in mind: Don't get wet, but get someone else wet instead. Seems doable.
__________________ back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________  _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e |