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Farah had been at this castle for years. YEARS. Well, not since her first year, but still. She'd been here for years but she still hadnt been throughout the whole castle.
But she wanted somewhere to be alone. Somewhere that the rest of the castle wasn't all up in her business. She needed space.
So she ventured throughout the castel because she had the time and came across this balcony. Holy Merlin. It was beautiful. Farah's mouth dropped as she looked around and went up to the railing to look at the view. And the best part??
No one else was here.
Magnolia needed alone time. Having two sibling at Hogwarts, both younger than her, meant that she always
always needed to find somewhere secluded to escape.
She loved her siblings but they could be a bit much...especially Jayce.
The RavenClaw sighed heavily when she approached /her/ spot and saw that someone had beaten her there.
Darn It.
It was still better than a crowded common room so she continued towards the balcony.
"Farah??" She'd never seen her up here before.
"You found my spot."