cutie <33 urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by PatInTheHat Emma had been spending a lot of time studying than she had in the past few years at Hogwarts instead of building book towers like usual (she still built the book towers, but not before reading the books). Between that, quidditch tryouts, AND classes, she felt like she hadn't seen her little brother in DAYS (possible exaggeration, but it definitely wasn't their usual visits like back home) and so she'd sent off a charmed noted folded like a bird to go and find him so that she could get that quality time.
Because it felt too cold to be outside, but she still wanted to do something fun, the fifteen year old had packed her satchel with snacks and headed down to the second floor where there was a designated spot for games.
She patted the medieval wizard on the head, walked by and set down her satchel. Then, while she waited, she started up a game of wizard skittles by herself. Lucas missed Emma. Like a LOT. He knew that she was an older cool kid who had important exams coming up that she had to study for but that didn't mean he didn't miss cuddles with the big sister or hanging out with her and talking and eating snacks and all of that. It wasn't the same, really.
It was probably because of this that the second year was ecstatic - yes, ecstatic! - when a little charmed bird!note came for him in a handwriting that was very familiar. He dropped his homework instantly - History of Magic can WAIT - and dashed out of the common room as quickly as his small legs could take him. It was..... tiring but the exercises from last term had to count for something, right?
Eventually, he hurried down the second floor corridor and came to a stop riiiiiiiight near a statue. A statue of a wizard who was saying something Lucas couldn't understand and didn't want to understand right now. Instead, he hurried inside and over to a familiar head of very curly hair. "Do you have room for one more?" BEAM.
Hello only favourite sister!
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